Engineering & Energy


Engineering & Energy

At E.N. MANOS Ltd we have considerable knowledge of MB, EEI & DOS policies and it is therefore usual for our technical staff to be involved in the subsequent operational covers and to ensure that the policy wordings are satisfied.

Our surveyors, engineers and adjusters have extensive experience in various high profile engineering & energy projects and provide our clients with high quality services for major projects internationally.

Our diversity in expertise is regularly engaged by market leaders, both for material damage and related business interruption exposure.

We provide claims management services for major engineering projects with:

  • Loss adjustment,
  • Account management of losses,
  • Compilation of statistical data,
  • Handling of claims funds,
  • Liaison between Insured & Insurers or Reinsurers.

Athens Office

17 Alexandrou Soutsou St.
10671 Athens
Αριθμός ΓΕΜΗ 57440104000

Thessaloniki Office

5 M. Iosif  Street
54622 Thessaloniki, Greece

Nicosia Office

8 John Kennedy Avenue,
Flat 501, Nicosia 1087, Cyprus

Limassol Office

3 Pavlou Liasidi Street, Apartment 301, Block Β, Kanika Park View
4004 Limassol


GR: +306945237100 & +306944255506

CY: +35799435867 & +35799558018


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